Beating anxiety - 5 things you need to know 

Mike came to see me after years of struggling with anxiety. Here’s his story of how he beat it once and for all: 

1. Anxiety is trying to protect you.

“We aren’t born with anxiety, so my session with Cat began by discovering where it came from. 

The root-cause lay in my childhood when I had often felt ‘different’ and not good enough, so anxiety came in as subconscious “protector part” to warn me and protect me from emotional harm.

After years of anxiety holding me back though, I realised it wasn’t protecting me, it was just keeping me stuck and preventing me from achieving my full potential, so I sought Cat’s help.

Your subconscious mind is like a powerful horse


2. A horse (which can represent your emotional ‘animal’ mind) is more powerful than a horse rider (which represents your logical “human” mind), so when Cat explained this to me as a metaphor it explained why I was struggling to “logic” away my powerful anxious feelings. 

I needed to understand how and why the anxiety thought it was ‘helping’ before I could be free from it.

3. You can re-release the self-esteem and self-confidence you were born with.

Cat used gentle hypnosis to take me back to being a young child, before anxiety kicked in at all. It was amazing to feel my true natural confidence once again.

4. You have everything you need within you.

We all have innate personality strengths that give us energy and that cannot be taught (e.g. creativity, empathy, compassion).   I know what my unique strengths are now and how to use them and this has transformed my self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation.


5. You are the leader of your own mind.

If our emotional ‘animal’ brain is “like a horse” then our rational ‘human’ brain is the horse rider that gives the orders! 

The best way I can describe it is that if you’ve ever seen the same horse respond completely differently when ridden by a new rider then it was the same for me!  My “inner horse” (subconscious anxiety) has now completely calmed down because I’ve understood and removed the old “programming” and re-installed the natural calm and confidence I was born with!


Nothing holds me back now because I know how to take control of my own mind and direct it to think, feel and behave in the most supportive and encouraging way. 


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